Thursday, June 26, 2008

Changing behavior patterns

I went to visit my daughter and grandchildren yesterday.

During the 90 minute drive, there were no slowdowns, which was very unusual. Before gasoline became so expensive, it used to take me anywhere from two to three hours, depending on the time of day, to drive there.

Yesterday, I left at the usual time: 8:00 a.m., a time which in the past always entangled me in some rush hour traffic. Not yesterday. It was smooth 70 m.p.h. driving all the way. And I started home at 6:00 p.m. In the past, if I wanted to avoid stop and go traffic, I had to leave before 3:00 or after 7:00.

Not sure what that might mean except that, perhaps, people really aren't driving unless they absolutely have to.