Friday, December 19, 2008

Caroline vs. Arnold: Double standard?

Sitting out here in California I have to admit I know nothing about New York politics. So I find the current dust up over Caroline Kennedy's interest in being appointed to Hillary Clinton's Senate seat for the next two years extremely fascinating. So, apparently, do many op-ed writers, most of whom are criticizing the possibility of such an appointment.

Caroline has never been elected to state or national office before, they say. She hasn't paid her dues. It's a sneaky way to enter into politics. What does she actually know about the Senate and the issues? Is being a Kennedy alone a qualification for the Senate? Aren't there other candidates who have paid their dues and are more deserving of the appointment?

Well, just to put this into perspective, knowing very little about Caroline's qualifications myself, I have one name for you: ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER.

The current governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, a relative of Caroline's by marriage, had also never been elected to national or state office before he helped recall the then governor of California, Gray Davis, and run for his seat. Arnold had in no way "paid his dues" either. Ousting a sitting governor and running for his seat is also a sneaky way to enter politics and at the time we knew nothing about Arnold's political views other than that he was a conservative Republican. We also knew he was married to a "Kennedy." And there were plenty of other candidates who held better political qualifications for the job of governor. But Arnold had starpower. He was a movie star, a celebrity, and a member by marriage of the best known political family in America.

Frankly, I don't see the difference between Arnold and Caroline in terms of experience and qualifications. Except, of course for two things. Arnold was well known as a movie star and an obvious showman and extrovert. Caroline is not as well known for her accomplishments, because she is more of an introvert who has worked quietly behind the scenes for decades on issues such as education.

Well, there are a few other differences. Caroline has been raising her children for the past twenty-five years even as she worked as a volunteer on many issues of importance to the state of New York while Arnold worked as an actor in Hollywood. Caroline is low key while Arnold's personality is larger than life. Arnold is a man and Caroline is a woman. And finally, Arnold is a Republican and Caroline is a Democrat.

Make of all of that what you will...