Friday, February 6, 2009

Republican hypocrites

Why aren't those hypocritical republican lawmakers and party members screaming their heads off about this insane woman who just gave birth to octuplets?

First of all she's a single woman who had six children previously. Single pregnant woman are usually condemned by republicans.

Secondly, she had in vitro fertilization with all of her pregnancies. In vitro is very expensive. How did she pay for it? Is this part of why our health insurance premiums are so high?

Third, she claims she was implanted with six embryos each time she got pregnant. Either she is lying about that regarding this pregnancy or some embryos divided and she had some twins. Even so, leaving aside this pregnancy, she has had five other pregnancies (she previously had one set of twins) and that means thirty embryos were implanted in her. Obviously, twenty-four of them did not implant, so in her quest to be a mother, twenty-four embryos were lost, aborted, wasted, or "killed" in the words of anti-abortion fanatics. Why is this not considered wrong?

Why are republicans not opposed to in vitro fertilization, in which embryos are created but have no chance at life, but completely opposed to using other embryos, which also have no change at life, to find cures for devastating disease like diabetes, Parkinson's Disease, and other terrible illnesses?