Friday, November 30, 2007

Questions not asked in the CNN republican debate

These are questions I wish someone had asked the republican candidates on Wednesday night. I think the answers would have been far more interesting than the anwers given to the same old questions always asked - even by "ordinary" citizens.

These are questions I've thought of since Wednesday. I'm sure I'll think of more, and some that should be asked of democratic candidates as well. I'll post them as I think of them.

Why do you want to be president – not why do you think you're qualified – but why do you want the job? What's in it for you?

What do you think of the job George W. Bush has done as president? What, if anything, would you do differently from him?

(Holding up a copy of the Constitution) Do you agree with everything in this book? Do you believe in everything in this book?

For example, do you believe in the balance of powers?

Do you believe, as it says in the Constitution, that only Congress can declare war?

Why did we really go to war in Iraq?

Under what circumstances, if any, would you go to war against Iran?

Why did we not go to war against Saudi Arabia when 15 of the hijackers were Saudis?

What do you think of the job your party and your president did in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina?

If a corporation can't be arrested, can't be convicted of a crime, and can't go to prison, and if a corporation can't get sick and be in need of medical care, and if it doesn't have a conscience or a soul or a mind or a body, should a corporation still be considered a person?

Do you consider health care a right or a privilege?

If you believe all Americans have a right to medical care, what would you do to improve our system of health care so that all Americans, including middle class citizens who cannot afford health insurance, have access?

Why is there no racial or gender diversity in this field of candidates?

If a pregnant woman's life was in danger and terminating the pregnancy was necessary to save her life, do you think abortion should be legal in that circumstance?

Do you believe in the separation of church and state?

Do you believe America is or should be a "Christian nation?"

Is water-boarding torture?

Should a nation of Christians engage in torture?

Are there any religious groups whose members would be disqualified from serving in your cabinet?

Would you ever include a Muslim in your cabinet?

What would you want your legacy as president to be? What would be the most important thing, other than winning the "war on terror," that you would want said about your presidency long after you die?