These past four days the media have finally decided to give Hillary Clinton what she has been whining about and begging for: total negative coverage of every tiny little issue that could slow down Barack Obama's momentum.
They have fallen for her 3 a.m. phone call add wherein a phone rings five or more times at 3 a.m., supposedly in the White House, and a be-jeweled Hillary apparently answers it and saves the country from Muslims or Maritans, it's impossible to tell which. Then they piled on about some memo from the Canadian embassy about NAFTA. Then Hillary compared her experience and John McCain's experience to Barack's "one speech in 2002." Now her negative ads and speeches, many of them completely trivial as well as dishonest, seem to have finally slowed his momentum and may enable her to win Texas and Ohio.
However, even if her disgusting tactics work, she may still not be able to secure enough delegates to win the nomination. Obama may pull it out with his combination of pledged and super delegates no matter what Clinton does to try to take it from him.
So if the math does not favor her, and no matter what happens today she still loses the nomination, what has this tirade of accusations and smears done for her? It certainly doesn't help her party and the down ticket races on the Dem side. It certainly doesn't help Obama. In fact it gives ammunition to John McCain and might possibly help him defeat Obama, just as her husband's unconscionable behavior helped Bush Jr. defeat Gore in 2000.
However, the up side for Hillary is this simple: if she knows she will lose the nomination, but her attacks can wound Obama enough to allow McCain to defeat him in 2008, Hillary can come back in 2012, say "I told you so" and get the nomination for herself.
When will the Democratic Party, and those who vote in the primaries, realize how toxic the Clintons are for the Party? When we finally be able to bury the two-headed Clinton monster?