Saturday, March 8, 2008

Not a good enough reason

I have read some blogs lately that plead with supporters of Barack Obama to support Hillary Clinton if she is the Democratic nominee.

These writers acknowledge that many of us despise Clinton (yes, I do despise her, almost as much as I despise George W. Bush) and have good reason to do so, but insist that the future of the Supreme Court is at stake and if we allow McCain to become president, he could turn the Court in a radically different direction for a generation.

I say that's not a good enough reason to vote for this shape shifting monster.

First of all, Hillary's strategy seems to be to give the presidency to McCain if she doesn't get the Democratic nomination. She doesn't seem to care that much about the Supreme Court when she says that she and McCain are both qualified to be commander in chief but Obama isn't. She is deliberately discrediting her fellow Democrat, knowing full well he is ahead of her in delegate votes and could very well be the nominee. She doesn't care. She wants the nod, and if she doesn't get it, she is willing to let McCain win so she can come back in four years. That means she is willing to let McCain appoint as many as four justices to the Supreme Court.

We should never vote for someone who is willing to help the opposition party win a national election if she can't have her own way. So our first goal is to do everything we can to deny her the nomination.

However, if Hillary becomes the nominee of the Democratic Party because she has fooled enough uneducated people or because she has manipulated the Party and the Super stupid delegates, she cannot be rewarded or we will never reform this country and its politics.

So should she steal the nomination, I suggest the following alternate strategy:

Don't stay home on election day. Go to the polls and either abstain from voting in the presidential race or vote for Nader, and vote for the Democratic nominee for the Senate in your state. Contribute as much money as you can to your Senate nominee, work for them if you can, and convince all of your friends to vote for them. The goal here would be to reach a 60+ majority in the Senate so McCain could not get the ultra conservative justices he nominates confirmed.

I realize a McCain presidency would be awful in many, many ways, but with a majority of 60 in the Senate and a large majority in the House, he would be limited in how much damage he could do. Without an effective opposition party, the Congress could de-fund the war, and allow the tax cuts for the wealthy to expire. We wouldn't have our country back quite yet, but we could stop the bleeding and keep it on life support for four years, until the rest of the country is finally ready for the change that Obama represents.

Hillary Clinton, if she is the nominee, will suggest that a McCain presidency would be a continuation of the Bush administration, and that is true. But a Clinton presidency would be just as bad. Anyone who believes she is not in the pocket of lobbyists is fooling themselves. Anyone who trusts that Bill Clinton strolling around in the White House with nothing to do would be good news is simply deranged. She must be stopped, preferably before the nomination, but if necessary, after she steals it.

I voted for Bill Clinton twice, but I will never vote for his wife. I am a feminist who does not believe she is a candidate who represents me or the things I believe in. She is a product of the power elite in Washington and she wants only to grab power for herself and her lobbyist buddies. In this, she is no different from so many male presidential candidates who preceded her. This is not the change we want or need, and if she is nominated, then the American people are screwed, no matter who is elected in November.