This is FiveThirtyEight's updated electoral map. Note how different this looks from the 2004 map when the entire center of the country was red and the only blue sections were on the two coasts and in a small section of the midwest. In the past few days, Nevada, Ohio and Florida have turned light blue, Virginia has turned medium blue, and North Carolina, Indiana and Missouri have gone white, meaning toss up. If things stay this way, it will be an Obama landslide and the down ticket races could be inpacted as well. Dems might just get that 60 vote majority in the Senate which would mean they could actually accomplish something without those pesky obstructionist Republicans threatening to filibuster every two seconds.
Who would have thought that the first African American candidate, in a country that still harbors racist sentiments, could not only be victorious, but also bring about a political earthquake that realigns the country? It hasn't happened yet, and we still have work to do because it's going to get uglier as McCain fears going down to defeat, but it is within our reach and November 4th might be one of the most important and wonderful days in our lifetime.