Sunday, October 19, 2008

Will we be a great nation again?

I almost don't know what to say.

The swift boating of John Kerry in 2004 was nothing compared to the slime and slander being directed at Barack Obama. He is being linked to "terrorists," called a "socialist," and has already been called a Muslim and an Arab, neither of which ought to be a slanders, but in this very paranoid and prejudiced nation, apparently are.

John McCain and Sarah Palin are throwing everything they can at Obama in an effort to win. They are also disenfranchising as many voters as they can, even as they try to pin a bogus claim of voter fraud on Obama's supporters. What they are doing to a good and patriotic American, who happens to be black - which is apparently the real problem they have with him, is sickening and disgusting.

I have no qualms about skewering sacred cows. I have criticized my government for the past eight years, and expressed my disgust at Catholic clergy. I even dared to speak up against Saint Ronny Reagan. So I'm willing to skewer one more: the former POW, supposed war hero, John McCain. In my opinion, this man is not a patriot. Perhaps he was at one time, though I must say bombing civilians for one's country is problematic. Perhaps at one time John McCain had courage as well. But John McCain does not have courage now. How much courage does it take to run a disgusting campaign? How much courage does it take to be so scared of losing that you would give up any principles you might have once had? How much courage does it take to be a racist, to falsely accuse your opponent of treason, to do everything you can to play on people's fears and prejudices and divide the people of the nation against each other?

It takes no courage. In fact, John McCain is so afraid of losing that he will do anything in the effort to win - including destroying any semblance of decency and any hope of unity. He is willing to tear us apart, brother against brother, not because of any noble intent, but just to satisfy his own ego. This makes him neither patriot nor hero.

As for Sarah Palin, she is being hailed as a courageous woman who gave birth to a child with Down syndrome when she could have had an abortion. This is, of course, absurd. Sarah Palin could not have had an abortion as she considers it evil. Sarah Palin simply followed her conscience. Are we all to be hailed as courageous just because we don't violate our own ethical and moral codes? Am I courageous because I don't rob the local 7-11 or murder my neighbor?

And now, Sarah Palin, unaware of just what an unqualifed and intellectually dull woman she is, is also desperate not to lose. Since she's more than willing to lie - perhaps honesty isn't part of her moral code. She is accusing Barack Obama of "palling around with terrorists" and all sorts of other nefarious activities. And like her fellow fake maverick, she doesn't care what she does to the country in the process.

Barack Obama has a lot of enemies. All good people do, because they threaten the status quo, because they draw people to themselves, because they offer change, which scares the hell out of some people. Barack Obama also has enemies because of his skin color, which is just more sad commentary on the white supremacy that infects too much of this country.

Obama is still ahead, and hopefully will win. But John McCain will use ugly tactic after ugly tactic to stop him. I suppose he could overcome the message of hope and change and unity that Barack offers, with fear and status quo and division. If he does, and he gains the presidency by a combination of trickery, deceit and outright theft, a lot of people will never forgive him.

I, for one, will never forgive the citizens of my country for being so easily decieved, so ignorant, so racist, so fearful, and so willing to embrace their shadow side.

We finally have a chance to turn the page, to start again, to renew this country, as Colin Powell reminded us today. If we let John McCain's ugly tactics and lack of patriotism win, we deserve every terrible thing we get from a McCain presidency.

On the other hand, if we reject McCain and Palin and their slimy disgusting strategy, if we get in touch with our better selves, if we once and for all reject radical wingnut conservatism and the hideous politics of personal destruction that have controlled our country for decades, we might have a chance for a decent future. We might once again be a great nation.