Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's in her eyes

Maybe I'm imagining it, but I am seeing something very different these days when I watch Hillary Clinton's speeches.

After Super Tuesday when, with big wins in California, New York, New Jersey and Massachusetts, she was still the frontrunner, Hillary looked relaxed and confident. You could see it in her eyes. She was not worried. She did what she had predicted and she still believed she would get the nomination.

Last night in Texas, when she did not even acknowledge her opponent or his three blow-out victories over her, making that eight consecutive victories in a row, she looked different. She was smiling, clapping, laughing and acting positive, but her eyes gave it away. They registered fear and uncertainty.

When you compare her eyes to those of Barack Obama, there is a huge difference. His confidence is real. There is no fear, no uncertainty in his eyes. He truly believes he will win, and his recent performances show his confidence is well founded.

She could still win Ohio, Texas and Pennsylvania, giving her enough delegates to stay close, but delegate counters believe she will not have enough to win outright. She knows this, which is why her eyes are looking different these days. She may have to rely on twisting superdelegates arms in order to pass Obama, which would have negative ramifications for her and for the Democrats. She knows this and, although I believe she and her husband are ambitious enough to grab the nomination any way they can, this has to be haunting her. It would seriously damage her legitimacy and might very well lead to a McCain presidency. So she has to decide at some point whether her winning the nomination is the most important thing, or the Democrats winning the White House is more important.

She didn't expect this. It wasn't supposed to happen. The nomination is slipping away and outwardly she won't acknowledge it with her words or her smile. But her eyes give her away.