The media went nuts over the end of Thursday night's Dem debate when Hillary turned all soft and conciliatory and, in an attempted repeat of her New Hampshire tear-up moment, said she would be just fine no matter what happened, and that she had family and friends to support her, and that all she really cared about was whether the American people would be fine.
Immediately pundits speculated that Hillary saw the writing on the wall and was being a good soldier for the Party, willing to concede after March 4th and not go negative on Barack so as to give McCain any ammunition to use on him in the general election.
Oh Please!
Hillary is about as soft as a pile of scrap metal.
That little display was as insincere as her New Hampshire moment. She has no intention of falling on her sword for the Party. That little display was just a tactic to get attention, and to have people see her as an actual human being.
I have no doubt Hillary is an actual human being. And I'm sure right now she is feeling a lot of fear that the Clinton's long term plan for two co-presidencies is threatened. But when Hillary feels fear she turns ugly. For Hillary, there's no such thing as a "flight or fight" response, there's only a "fight" response. Anyone who thought she was going to give in and flee from the nomination battle is as delusional as she claims Barack's supporters are.
And sure enough, the very next day she renewed her demand that the discounted Michigan and Ohio delegates be counted, even though she agreed with the rules committee that they not be counted.
Hillary will not go gentle into defeat. She will fight, as her husband used to say, "until the last dog dies." And her strategists and supporters like Mark Penn and Terry McAuliffe will insist that she does. There's a lot of power and money for a lot of people riding on this, and Hillary isn't going to give up until Barack's numbers make it impossible for her to win the nomination, even with Michigan and Florida.
This isn't the woman we need as the first woman president. This isn't a woman we can trust to care about the American people, no matter what she says at the end of a debate.