Yesterday, on Good Morning America, John McCain was trying to look presidential and counter all the coverage of Obama's trip around the world, when he referred to the "Iraq - Pakistan border."
What should we make of this?
McCain having another senior moment?
McCain misspeaking?
McCain not knowing what the hell he is talking about?
I vote for the third possibility, though the first is probably also true.
I'm not sure many Americans will care, though, as I think most Americans probably believe there is an Iraq - Pakistan border.
My 82 year old father thought there was an Iraq - Afghanistan border until two months ago when we were arguing about the Iraq War and he told me it was necessary for the U. S. to go to war in Iraq because al Qaeda was crossing the border from Afghanistan to Iraq and we had to chase them. When I got out the atlas and showed him a picture of the region, with the huge country of Iran between Iraq and both Afghanistan and Pakistan, he couldn't believe it. He stared and stared and finally said he wondered how many other people were as wrong as he was and why didn't the newspaper publish pictures like this.
Facts matter, and presidential candidates and potential commanders in chief who can't get the facts right about the most explosive region in the world (and this isn't the first time McCain has gotten the facts wrong) should not be elected. McCain's increasing mistakes in foreign policy facts are more than troubling. They are extremely dangerous.
This election, we need to vote for someone who is knowledgable and intelligent, someone we can trust to know what he is doing. That person is not John McCain.