Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Uppity Obama

I'm beginning to think I should have a daily post on the nonsense that is spewed on Morning
Jo(k)e, where the agenda for the entire show is what the op-ed writers said in that morning's Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and New York Times.

No one on that show has an original thought in their head. They just take quotes from op-eds, then that idiotic narcissist Scarborough makes a pronouncement about who is right and who is wrong, his sidekick Mika tries to counter him with a different view, he rolls over her and she backs down like a Stepford wife.

Each day has a theme. Today's was "Barack is becoming an uppity negro and he'd better watch out because nobody likes an uppity negro."

Now, of course, they didn't use those words. They were playing off of an essay by Dana Milbank and a story by Jonathon Weisman, both in the Washington Post. Milbank asserted that Obama already thinks he is president and is acting like it. Even his Secret Service detail is acting like it, says Milbank, apparently clearing the halls and taking him in places through a side door, just like they do the president.

Duh! That's what the Secret Service does. Of course they treat him like they treat the president. They are supposed to protect his life and there is only one way to do that. Keep him away from people who want to kill him. They do the same for grandpa McCain. How could they possibly do it any different for Obama than they do for the president and grandpa and still protect him. Hello? Doesn't anybody remember 1968, when a popular presidential candidate (not even the presumptive nominee) was gunned down?

According to Milbank, via the fools on Morning Jo(k)e, he heard from a third party that inside a meeting with House Democrats, Obama said: "This is the moment . . . that the world is waiting for," and "I have become a symbol of the possibility of America returning to our best traditions."

This, according to Milbank, was an example of Obama's biggest foe: his own hubris.

Jonathon Wiseman, according to the Morning jokesters, also pointed to Obama's supposed hubris and the quote Milbank cited above.

And so the jokesters agonized about the superhero Obama's fatal flaw, his Achilles heel: his arrogance, his presumptiveness, which actually translates, Republicans hope, into his Uppity negro-ness. This is all code, of course, code that Republicans are so good at. One of the first examples of this was Ronald Reagan giving his first post convention speech in 1980 in Philadelphia Mississippi, which according to Wikipedia is "most noted for the racial violence, murders, and other civil rights violations that occurred in the mid 1960s." Here, Reagan talked about "states rights," which has always been Republican code for allowing segregation and Jim Crow.

So the jokesters agonized about Obama's presumptiveness, his acting like he was president, his saying he had become the symbol of a better America.

Only that's not what he said.

Members of Congress are objecting to this characterization, as is the Obama campaign.

According to Marc Ambinder of the Atlantic:

I asked the Obama campaign about the quote, and they provided some context that makes this particular utterance more digestible."It has become increasingly clear in my travel, the campaign, that the crowds, the enthusiasm, 200,000 people in Berlin, is not about me at all. It's about America. I have just become a symbol..."

Sounds like a very humble statement to me, especially in contrast to the statements of grandpa McCain which all begin with "I," as in "I know how to win a war." That's not hubris? That's not arrogance?

Of course it is, as was Hillary's statement that she and McCain would make good commanders in chief, but not Obama, or Hillary's declaration to Katie Couric that she was going to win, period.

But the Republicans are jumping on this out-of-context statement of Obama, because the only way they can win with grandpa McCain is to paint Obama as unacceptable, as arrogant, as an uppity negro. (Because in this still too racist society, only pasty white guys, frat boys, and Republicans are allowed to be uppity, and then it's called being confident, self-assured, and resolute.)

These clowns on television are empty headed, lazy idiots who can't even do their own reporting. They sit on their stools every morning and recycle the day's op-eds, not bothering to check facts. They are a bunch of bored, mindless whores, saying and doing anything to collect their few bucks. A few months ago they played "let's take down the uppity female," and now they're playing "let's take down the black guy who doesn't know his own place."

They make me sick!

The Olympics can't come soon enough.