Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hillary threatens nuclear war

Brits first called it the silly season, and now so do we. But it is so much more than silly.

Political campaign seasons have become idiotic, insane, and dangerous.

A Republican Candidate who ran from fighting in Vietnam labels a Veietnam war hero a coward and liar in 2004.

A Republican Campaign labels a Democratic, Christian, church-going black man a Muslim in order to scare voters in 2008. A Democratic Campaign opposing the man does nothing to condemn that nonsense because having people believe the lie helps her cause, even though she herself never goes to church.

A network asks gotcha questions that have nothing to do with the real and dangerous problems this country faces.

Pundits care more about making predictions and fueling the fight than about educating the public.

Candidates lie and distort and ruin opponents who would make far better presidents than they would.

And now this week a Democratic candidate, and you know who she is, is saying she will obliterate (read: nuke) Iran if it ever tries to launch an attack on Israel.

No candidate should be threatening nuclear attack, no matter how macho it makes them look to the college drop-out, gun toting warmongers of a rust belt state that she needs to beat a charismatic male who young people, educated people, and progressive people are working their tails off to elect.

Hillary Clinton, if elected, could turn out to more of a disaster than George Bush, just to prove she has balls.

This is the dark side of feminism, and I - a long time feminist - want no part of it. No feminist worth the name should ever in a million years threaten nuclear war. Feminism is not just about having the same pay as men, or having the same opportunities as men. Feminism is about bringing female attributes to society, and helping to bring men and women together to learn from each other and understand each other.

It is not, and never should be, about threatening nuclear war.

What on earth is she thinking?