John McBush, that old man who insists he is going to run a positive campaign, is out there shouting at the top of his frail lungs that Hamas is supporting Obama and that the people have a right to know.
Of course, Hamas is a terrorist organization, so if you tell people they are supporting Obama, some of the dopes in this county (and no one panders to dopes better than the Republicans) will believe Obama supports Hamas.
Obama, to the contrary, has made it very clear he condemns Hamas, as he condemns all terrorist organizations. What some terrorist organization in the Middle East thinks or wants really cannnot be known by anyone, and furthermore has nothing to do with our election.
To imply that there is any connection between Obama and Hamas is like charging Obama with treason, and McBush, who uses his reputation as a war hero to do and say anything he wants, should never go down this road. This is an absurd and a hateful accusation, but then so were the swift boat charges against John Kerry's heroism and war service.
While Hillary Clinton is implementing her kitchen sink strategy, McBush – that self-described positive campaigner, that "straight talker," that "maverick," - is using his swift boat strategy against Obama. McBush is just one more typical Republican saying one thing and doing another and counting on the ignorance of the voters not to see it.
What should we make of this double teaming against Obama – this union of a Republican and a Democrat against him? We know why Hillary is doing it. Obama is a pretender to her throne and it is driving her insane.
But why is McBush hauling out every vicious rumor imaginable against Obama, while Hillary gets a pass from him and other influential Republicans, like Rush Limbaugh, Tony Blankley, and Richard Mellon Scaife, some of whom are even praising her?
It can only mean one thing. The Republicans are terrified of an Obama candidacy and drooling over the possibility of running against Hillary.
If the Republicans were more afraid of Hillary than they were of Obama, they would be swift boating her now, so Obama could wrap up the nomination. But they are strangely silent or even complimentary of her. That should alert everyone to the truth. Obama is the most dangerous candidate, the one they don't think Republicans can beat. So they are dragging out all they have now to help Hillary and the Democrats get rid of him early.
One advantage of these attacks on Obama is that the Republicans have already played their hand. Should Obama win the nomination, we already know what the Republican smears will look like. They are already out there.
But the Republicans are holding their fire when it comes to Hillary. I think we can be confident they have tons of ammunition to use against her, but they are waiting. They won't use it now when it could defeat the candidate they want to run against. Instead, they want to defeat the stronger candidate now and they are teaming up with Hillary to do it.
I have wondered what they might have against her, and my guess is that it will be one or more bombshells. Perhaps they have evidence of Bill's infidelity after he left the White House. Revealing that will drag up all the ugliness of Monicagate and the impeachment and doom Hillary's candidacy. No one wants to go there again. Perhaps they will drag up something from her past, or some secretly taped words that will further antagonize the African American community, without whose support she cannot win. Or perhaps there are some financial improprieties.
Whatever they have, you can be sure it is something incredibly damaging. No one does smears better than Republicans, and having McBush at the top of the ticket simply lulls Democrats into a false sense of security that they can trust him to run a positive campaign. If McBush is running a negative campaign now, before the Democrats even have their nominee, what do they think he will do later, when the stakes are higher?
McBush learned his lesson in 2000 when he was smeared by his own Party. He'll never rise above the fray again, no matter what he says. Look what he's doing to Obama now. No, his 2008 campaign is liable to be uglier than the 2004 Bush campaign. And he can't wait to go after Hillary.