Icchh! Will this woman never go away? Now that she has mislabeled Obama an "elitist," she is throwing down shooters in a bar and telling everyone how her father taught her to shoot a gun.
This female elitist is trying desperately to show voters she is just a regular Josephine, even though she went to Yale and worked for big law firms and lived in the White House for eight years. Whew! The woman is not just a liar, she's delusional, she's living in an alternate universe.
I keep asking myself the question: What if I and millions of others like me had never voted for Bill Clinton in 1992? George Bush senior would have had four more years and then, perhaps, we could have elected a decent Democrat in 1996, someone who could have gone on to win a second term in 2000 and denied that knucklehead who calls himself "W" the presidency.
No Iraq War, no tax cuts for the wealthy, no Alito and Roberts on the Supreme Court.
But "what ifs" don't change reality. We voted for Clinton in 1992 and now our chickens are truly coming home to roost as we have to endure his wife running to continue the dynasty by joining with Republicans, adopting Rovian tactics, and doing everything she can to destroy the most visionary and refreshing and intelligent candidate we have seen in decades.
I sincerely hope this latest attack will backfire and expose her for the shape-shifting monster she has become (or perhaps has always been). I hope the flesh (or makeup) on her face is finally pulled back and we see her for who she truly is - a lizard skinned opportunist with no other goal than to achieve power for herself, the party and the country be damned in the process.
If this doesn't backfire, and instead gets her the nomination, I won't make the same mistake again. I won't vote for another Clinton.
Fellow Democrats tell me this is suicide, that we must have a Democrat in the White House, and I agree. But Hillary Clinton is not a Democrat. I don't know what she is, but her tactics and her flip flops and her lies convince me that she is either a Republican in Democrat disguise (and not a very good disguise these days) or she is some terrible new hybrid, a political reptile who cannot be trusted, someone who will screw us as her husband did, as George W. Bush did, and as all corporatist presidents do, and then tell us we are not angry, not bitter, not frustrated. As she sends our jobs overseas, and gives the lobbyists what they want, she will get all smarmy and syryupy and condescending and tell us she believes in us and we have to remain optimistic.
I won't fall for that one again, and I hope you don't either.
The fact is, if we have only a choice between Clinton and McCain in November it will be no choice. We will have two candidates who will sell their souls to win, two candidates who will say and do whatever it takes to destroy each other, two candidates who will continue the destruction of the middle class.
And no matter who moves into the White House, the American people are screwed.