I give!
I don't understand what she is doing.
Why is she still campaigning and why are CNN and MSNBC still covering her speeches live?
Barack trounced her last night, removed all possibility of her passing him in popular vote or pledged delegates and yet she still goes on.
Her campaign is sending out this ridiculous talking point that she improved on her percentage of the white vote in North Carolina so that makes it a victory for her. Again with the racial remarks.
I can't decide if she is pathetic, or comedic, or just hasn't used all the different pantsuits she owns.
She has become the Democratic Mike Huckabee, only without the charm and the divinity degree.
What is up with her?
I said in an earlier post that some people don't know how to lose, and Hillary is apparently one of them. She doesn't know how to lose and so she will never admit she has lost. Even when Barack gives his acceptance speech in Denver, will she have staff members warning delegates that he is unelectable?
At this point, she looks like a stalker who can't take "no" for an answer and so continues to call his girlfriend, and drive by her house, and send her unwanted love letters.
When my children were teenagers and suffered a broken heart, I used to tell them that it wasn't the end of the world, that life would go on, and that whatever else they did in response to a break-up, it was important to preserve their dignity.
Hillary Clinton is close to losing her dignity and I wonder if she never learned the lesson as a teenager. Perhaps after being publicly humiliated by a philandering husband when she was First Lady, she has no more dignity.
Is there no mother figure in this country, powerful and wise enough to help Hillary Clinton preserve her dignity?
How long must we be subjected to this sad, sad display of desperation?