I must be a masochist because I turned on "Morning Jo(k)e" this morning and heard the usual pro-Hillary blather. A former Republican congressman, he has - for the current primary - transformed himself into a populist to praise Hillary's gas tax holiday proposal and other aspects of her campaign.
Now when you hear a Republican, conservative, anti-populist, former Hillary hater like Rush or Jo(k)e praising Hillary, even though she wants to tax oil companies, even though she wants universal health care, you have to know something is up - something that doesn't favor Democrats this November.
Why more Americans don't get this I don't know. Somehow Hillary has convinced a significant number of Americans that Barack Obama is unelectable, even though her negatives are much higher than his, and even though she has far more baggage than he does.
Yet the Republicans have become big admirers of the former First Lady. This can mean only one thing. The GOP can't wait to use its negative strategy against Hillary in the fall.
Pro-Hillary Republicans remind me of a dog I once owned, who used to steal my daughter's squeaky baby toys, and gently hold them in its closed mouth so we couldn't see or hear the evidence of its crime. Eventually, because it couldn't swallow with the toy in its mouth, saliva started leaking out the sides of its mouth, giving it away. I see the drool coming out of the mouths of Republican dogs, even as they try to act like human beings who are willing to be nice to Hillary.
We need to keep our eyes on the drooling and not the praise they heap on Hillary, because the drooling is the truth. Indeed they are drooling in anticipation of running against her in November because they have sixteen plus years of opposition research to use against her and the former president. You think we've heard the last of Monica or Oval Office oral-sex just because they haven't said anything in the primary campaign? You think we've heard the last of the lesbian rumors, the watergate and travelgate stories, impeachment, NAFTA or anything else they have waiting (and I bet they have some doozies)?
Don't be fooled by the quiet and well behaved manner of the Republican dogs. Pay attention to the drool coming out of their mouths. It's a dead giveaway.