If you haven't seen this yet, you must see it.
Chris Matthews, who is famous for rudely interrupting his guests because he prefers to hear himself talk, actually put his interrupting prowess to good use last night. He demanded that a conservative Los Angeles talk show host, who was praising Bush's insinuation in Israel that Obama was an "appeaser" like Neville Chamberlain, tell him what it was that Neville Chamberlain did that was so wrong.
The talk show bloviator, who had apparently only recieved the memo to use the talking point that Obama was an "appeaser," could not give him an answer. He huffed and puffed and yelled and got red in the face, but could not say what Neville Chamberlain did that made him an "appeaser."
Finally Chris educated him. Neville Chamberlain, British Prime Minister from 1937 to 1940, had appeased Hitler by giving him part of Czechoslovakia as part of the 1938 Munich Agreement. As Chris noted, there is a huge difference between talking to your enemy - as Obama wants to do - and giving in to his demands, or allowing him to claim part of a sovereign country as his own.
And other good news related to Bush's outrageous speech in Israel, Clinton supporters James Rubin and Paul Begala have both written and spoken up in defense of Obama and against Bush. And Hillary herself weighed in yesterday with her condemnation of Bush for his remarks and her support of Obama.
Hopefully, these events signal the media's willingness to present truth more than spin, and Hillary's willingness to begin the reunification of the party.