It isn't just Bill and Hillary Clinton who I hope to never see again once she is finally dragged kicking and screaming out of the August convention, having finally been denied the nomination because - surprise of surprises - her opponent actually won.
Hopefully, once Obama is the nominee this cast of Clinton spokespersons will disappear, and after Obama's victory in November, never be heard from again:
James Carville
Paul Begala
Lanny Davis
Gloria Steinem
Howard Wolfson
Ann Lewis
Mark Penn
Stephanie Tubbs Jones
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
Also, it will be so refreshing to become acquainted with an entirely new group of advisors, cabinet ministers, and White House staffers once Obama is inaugurated. The Clinton crowd has become as tiresome as the Bush crowd, though they are not nearly as destructive, and it will be good to see them retired.