Oh, please, good people of North Carolina and Indiana, could you please just help end this endless campaign?
I'm tired of thinking about it, writing about it, and having my blood pressure raised over it.
Every primary that doesn't finally determine the winner gives bored Republicans, who have no one to vote for in their own party, a chance to vote mischievously for Hillary.
Everyone knows she can't catch up in any of the metrics she has used to declare she SHOULD be the winner, even if she isn't. She can't catch up in pledged delegates, popular vote, states won, or even enough superdelegates to give her the nomination. Yet the media and especially Republican pundits want this to go on and on for their own job security. So they ramp up the Jeremiah Wright controversy, praise Hillary Clinton for being a fighter, and pretend she could pull off a Clinton miracle.
Well I think the Almighty only gives individuals one big miracle in a lifetime, and the Clintons already were granted one when the Senate didn't vote to convict Bill and throw him out of office. They're not going to get another miracle.
I'll tell you the miracle I want to see and it's one only the Clintons can give us. I want to see the Clintons finally come to their senses and get out of the race. I want to see Hillary go back to New york or Pennsylvania or Washington D.C. or Arkansas or Illinois, or wherever her true "home" is, after claiming them all, and get a good rest. Then I want to see the two of them get back on the campaign trail and work their tails off for Barack Obama.
I want to see them prove they really are loyal to the party.
I want to see them prove they really do care about the country.
I want to see them convince all those blue collar voters who were afraid to vote for Obama that they need to get over their racist tendencies and embrace one of the most brilliant and gifted candidates anyone has ever seen, at least since Bill was on the national stage. I want Bill to tell the country that they can and should elect Obama to be the real first black president.
I want to see them campaign actively in states she won and once said Obama couldn't win, and help him win Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Florida.
I want to see Hillary denounce this silly gas tax holiday idea and tell voters it was just a pander when she still thought she could win, and Obama was right all along.
I want Bill to go to church every Sunday with Barack and convince everyone that his wife's former opponent is not only NOT a Muslim, but that he is a committed Christian.
I want Hillary to thank all of her supporters and contributers for backing her, and then tell them that Obama will truly change this country for the better and that she will be right there helping him do it.
I want Hillary to say she does not for one second think McCain would make a better commander in chief than Obama. I want her to apologize for her Iraq War vote and give Obama credit for being the only candidate who was right on Iraq.
I want Hillary to prove she really does care about this country, so much that she is willing to concede graciously, throw her support to Obama, and campaign her heart out for him, not just because she is a loyal democrat, but because a President Obama will change this nation in ways unimaginable a few years ago.
The Clintons are continuing to campaign because they want to win, but also because they don't know how to lose. They don't know how to give up, let go, and be gracious. It's actually much harder for some people to let go than it is to hold on. It sometimes takes more strength of character to acknowledge defeat, but that is what they must do now when continuing to fight is so destructive to the overall cause of rescuing the country from the Republicans who have done so much damage.
The Clintons may not be able to win this time, but they still have an enormous amount of power. They can help guarantee an Obama victory in the Fall. That is their patriotic duty, and will go a long way to redeem them in the eyes of many who have come to hate them for the way they have conducted themselves these past few months.
If the Clintons actually do this, if they turn around and campaign sincerely and whole heartedly for Obama, even I might change my mind about them.