Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Beneath her dignity

Over at the Huffington Post, Thomas B. Edsall assesses what is going on with supporters of Hillary Clinton as she faces her second defeat in less than a week.

… some top independent expenditure groups supporting Clinton have been exploring the creation of an anti-Obama "527 committee" that would take unlimited contributions from a few of Clinton's super-rich backers and from a handful of unions to finance television ads and direct mail designed to tarnish the Illinois Senator's image….

Three groups conducting independent expenditure campaigns on behalf of Clinton - Emily's List, the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) and the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) - have explored the possibility of trying to put together a multi-million dollar effort privately dubbed the Anybody-But-Obama 527 Committee, but they have run into problems finding any Democratic operative willing to become the director of a campaign against the man who now is the odds-on favorite to become the party's nominee.

I know politics is hardball, but one thing I have admired about the Democrats is their unwillingness to engage in the same dirty tactics that Republicans do. If she allows such a "swift-boat" type campaign to materialize against Obama (when she could obviously stop it) then no one should feel bad for her.

I hope this is just the stupid grasping at straws that happens when people are severely disappointed with the results of an election. I would think Hillary has more dignity than this. She and her husband have been on the receiving end of some pretty awful negative campaigns that I hope would make her resist such tactics, which would probably only backfire. She's a powerful and talented politician, and something like this would not enhance her image nor further any of her causes. And if Obama wins the presidency after such a negative campaign against him by Clinton surrogates, she is liable to be completely alienated from the new administration. That wouldn't be helpful to anyone.