Apparently Governor Bill Richardson just dropped out of the Democratic primary race.
Richardson was intriguing and certainly had great credentials as well as good ideas, but he wasn't a great campaigner, and lets face it, the Dem race is really now a two person race. I'm sorry, John Edwards, I love you but this just isn't your year unless Obama or Clinton make some gigantic boo boo, which they won't. Besides, your family really does need you, so why not just exit gracefully and enthusiastically endorse Barack Obama?
I wonder who will exit next.
On the Dem side, Gravel should have left months ago. Kucinich doesn't want to leave even though he must know he can't win, because he has a message to get out. Pretty soon, though, we need to see serious debates between the top two candidates. Such debates will exclude Kucinich which will only make it harder to get his message out, so he might as well leave.
On the Republican side, Hunter needs to exit quickly – like yesterday or last month or before he even got in. Hunter is just not presidential material. He makes Richard Nixon look like a jovial guy.
Ron Paul might as well hang it up too. Only a small minority of the American people are as libertarian as Paul. His supporters are definitely enthusiastic, but there will never be enough of them. Plus he has an annoying whiney voice that would drive us all insane before the end of the first inaugural address.
Giuliani is toast. Nine eleven, nine eleven, nine eleven is not a platform.
I don't think Thompson is still alive, so somebody needs to revive him and tell him to withdraw.
That leaves the Mormon Romney, who couldn't even win in the state adjacent to the state where he was governor, the preacher Huckabee, who mostly plays the base, speaks in evangelical code, and stands in front of Chuck Norris and his babe wife, and the oldest candidate in the history of the country, John McCain.
It's just my humble opinion, but I think all three should drop out.