It's so good to have Jon Stewart back on television – even without his writers (frankly, I haven't noticed much difference – that's how good he is.) His comedic and always dead right analysis of everything was sorely missed over the past few months.
Like, for example, on Tuesday night when that gasbag David Frum (who gave us the memorable phrase "axis of evil") was hawking his new book, Stewart discussed the current presidential field and used a reference to The Simpsons. He said that Ned Flanders, the evangelical neighbor of the Simpsons, was a good guy and did all the leg work but when it came right down to it, people wanted a President Homer.
In all seriousness, Frum played the straight man and said "I don't think we want President Homer."
Said Stewart: "We have President Homer."
Like, for example, on Tuesday night when that gasbag David Frum (who gave us the memorable phrase "axis of evil") was hawking his new book, Stewart discussed the current presidential field and used a reference to The Simpsons. He said that Ned Flanders, the evangelical neighbor of the Simpsons, was a good guy and did all the leg work but when it came right down to it, people wanted a President Homer.
In all seriousness, Frum played the straight man and said "I don't think we want President Homer."
Said Stewart: "We have President Homer."