Okay, now I'm really mad!
There is a lot of buzz out there about a Bloomberg run for president gearing up. He's apparently doing some kind of study to determine his viability as a third party candidate and there are rumors that Unity '08, the web based attempt to find a bipartisan ticket to get behind this year, is signing on to a Bloomberg candidacy.
This would be disastrous, unless the Democrats all stick together and refuse to support him, which they would probably not do. So many Dems (mostly men) are opposed to a Hillary candidacy that if she gets the nomination, they will probably foolishly support Bloomberg.
And so, unless a lot of Republicans also vote for Bloomberg, which they will only do if Huckabee is the nominee, we will probably have four more years of disaster.
I'm sorry, but I think the entire Republican Party deserves at least a four year "time out." Like children who must be isolated from the family or their classmates for behaving badly, Republicans have done all they could to destroy this country over the past seven years, and until they learn to play nice and be good stewards of government, they need to be put in "time out."
Remember, it isn't just George W. Bush and his sidekick Darth Vader who have made everything worse since they invaded Washington, it is the entire Republican Party – including John McCain. Remember the hugs and the support he gave Bush four years ago? Remember how much he supports the War? Remember how many policies of Bush he has supported?
McCain cannot be rewarded for his support of the most disastrous president this nation has ever had to endure.
I don't want Hillary to be president. I support Obama. But I will not vote for McCain or Huckabee or any Republican candidate if Hillary is the nominee, because every one of the viable Republican candidates have been enablers of this criminal administration.
Those of you who say you will not vote for Hillary if she is the nominee should ask yourselves: Do you really think she would be a worse president than someone who enabled George W. Bush the way members of his own party have? Do you really want to take the chance of continuing this disastrous war indefinitely and allowing the failed policies and practices of George W. Bush to be continued? Do you want to continue the unfunded "No Child Left Behind Law," the private armies of Blackwater and the inflated contracts for Halliburton? Do you want cowboy diplomacy and creationism in public schools, and women's rights continuing to be assaulted? Do you want the environment ignored, the middle class to continue to shrink, and tax cuts to continue for the wealthy but not the rest of us? Would this really be preferable to Hillary being president?
In four years, Hillary could undo a lot of damage in foreign policy and the economy, and in the meantime the Republican Party could work on weeding out its corrupt and heartless leaders and, instead of trying to destroy government and the Constitutuion, figure out how to make it work more effectively. And wouldn't that benefit us all?
Thursday, January 10, 2008
The Republicans need a "time-out"
2008 election,
Hillary Clinton,
John McCain,
Michael Bloomberg,
Unity 08