Monday, September 15, 2008

Another great comment on "sexism"

From Daily Kos diarist grannyhelen:

The humor surrouding this candidate just keeps rolling in...h/t to Huffpo for the transcript:

MITCHELL: You are the first person from the McCain campaign I can ask, what did you think of Tina Fey as Sarah Palin?

FIORINA: Well, I think that she looked a bit like her. I think that, of course, the portrait was very dismissive of the substance of Sarah Palin, and so in that sense, they were defining Hillary Clinton as very substantive, and Sarah Palin as totally superficial. I think that continues the line of argument that is disrespectful in the extreme, and yes, I would say, sexist in the sense that just because Sarah Palin has different views than Hillary Clinton does not mean that she lacks substance. She has a lot of substance.

Okay, Carly...sister...let's rap.

First off, let's talk about real sexism. The stuff that makes it harder for women to care for their children. Let's talk about equal pay for equal work - something that your guy, John McCain, seems to feel is anathema to guarantee for women through legislation. Let's talk about John McCain trotting his wife
ut to volunteer her for a topless biker beauty contest.

Let's talk about Fred Thompson removing John McCain's first wife from history, insisting that it was the naughty, naughty stripper - and not McCain's first wife - who inspired him to get through his time as a POW. Let's talk about John McCain's utter disrespect for women, shown through his tasteless joke about rape, one that his staffers said was "typical McCain", you know, the stuff you just gotta love about the guy.

Now, let's pivot and talk about all of the wonderfully qualified women of the GOP that John McCain could have chosen to be his running mates. Women like Kay Baily Hutchinson, Olympia Snow, or Connecticut Governor Jodi Rell (who yes, is a real reformer who cleaned up after indicted Governer John Rowland). Any of these women would have clearly been more responsible choices for Mr. McCain, if he took the role of the Vice President seriously.

But he has made it clear that he doesn't. He has made it clear that the Vice President's job is to provide campaign window dressing, engage in distractions and "personality contests", run up numbers in key voter demographics and - when needed - reinforce a nasty campaign narrative against his opponent, the racial subtext of which should honestly be perfectly clear in the "wolves" ad McCain put out after purposefully misconstruing Obama's "lipstick on a pig" comment.

Carly, please, stop being a chicken little. Stop crying, "Sexism! Sexism!", every time helpless little Sarah is attacked (and she's not helpless, by the way, and don't you think it's rather sexist of y'all to not let her defend herself?).

Otherwise you may see yourself the subject of another SNL skit. Or possibly as a sideshow in another of Ms. Fey's sitcoms.

In other words, sister, to paraphrase Amy Poehler's Hillary Clinton: grow a pair.