Wednesday, September 10, 2008

My biggest fears

What scares me the most about the possibility that these lying, cheating, dishonorable, and totally unchristian republican bastards might win, besides the horror of having Princess Pork Palin in the White House should insane McCain croak, is that the enthusiasm they have generated among the hypocritical "christian" base will cause the down ticket to suffer and Dems won't get the gains in Congress they had counted on.

And a second fear is that those spineless Dems Pelosi and Reed will not stand up to a new Republican administration and will let them get away with everything. And then in two years, the lying bastards in the White House will run against an "obstructionist" Congress and win back control of everything.

I think I'm going to go back and read Catch-22, because that's what this reminds me of.