Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Reckless and irresponsible

The current mess in the financial industry, and the potential Wall Street crash, must all fall at the feet of the Republicans, including John McCain.

John McCain, to the extent that he embraces any consistent position, adores the free market and wants no regulation. He claims he is a conservative and his positions on issues like Health insurance and Social Security tell the tale.

He wants to renew Bush's disastrous idea to privatize Social Security, which would make no sense in light of what is now happening in the Stock Market, and he wants to end tax breaks for employer based health insurance which would send everyone into the non-group "free market," where insurance companies would charge huge prices.

The bottom line is this. Republicans hate regulation, and "trust" the market, but when a sector of that market fails because of the enormous greed that could have been curtailed with regulation, they jump in to rescue it with taxpayer money. We, on the other hand, do not get rescued.

These people are wrong, wrong, wrong, in their approach to the economy and they are totally responsible for what is happening these past few days.

John McCain deserves to go into retirement where he can enjoy one of his nine houses with his heiress wife, but he does not deserve the White House. He is not qualified. He and his Republican buddies have squandered the wealth of the American people and they must go away. I don't care how much people have been fooled into believing that the lying Sarah Palin is "one of us" or how much the too-old John McCain cries foul because he was a POW. If you're not qualified, you're not qualified.

We've had a boob in the White House for eight years and he has destroyed the military, the economy, our reputation in the world, and the Constitution. We don't need another boob and his boob sidekick.

We need someone with intelligence, good judgment, energy and the right ideas, teamed up with someone with experience.

McPalin may say they want to clean up Washington, but they're members of the party that made the mess. McPalin may say they will fix the economy, but their policies are the ones that broke it. My mother always told me actions speak louder than words, and McPalin's words don't match the actions of their party.

Obama-Biden are the only option for change and reform, and anyone who votes otherwise is gambling with the future of this country in a way that is reckless and irrresponsible.