Friday, September 26, 2008

The inmates have taken over the asylum

This has got to be a dream, right? I'm going to wake up right before the car goes off the cliff, right? This isn't going to end like Thelma and Louise, is it?

There may or may not be a debate tonight depending on whether John McCain stops playing games in Washington and gets his ass down to Mississippi.

Bush pops out of the Oval Office for two seconds to reassure the markets that just opened and basically says: Legislation being made isn't pretty but we'll have an agreement."

Sarah Palin talks sarah-babble to Katie Couric and in effect says she is an expert on Russia not just because she can see Russia from Alaska but also because Putin flies over Alaska. Then she says Henry Kissinger is "naive."

Dave Letterman calls John McCain out on his show when McCain bailed saying he was hopping a plane back to Washington (24 hours later, it turns out.)

Bill Clinton can't bring himself to praise Obama, though he says he will campaign for him - after the Jewish holidays. He also spends ooodles of time praising McCain and Palin. In the meantime bloggers are trying to decide if this is a wise political gambit that will help McCain, or more of Clintons's anger and resentment that Obama defeated his wife.

My bank just failed and was taken over by the fed, then sold to J.P. Morgan Chase.

House republicans who want to scuttle the bailout bill are proposing cuts in capital gains taxes and some kind of insurance scheme to help out. (Nothing like the hair of the dog.)

Pastors from 22 states will endorse McCain from the pulpit on Sunday in the first salvo of a legal strategy to allow them to retain their tax exempt status no matter how much they try to screw up our political system with their god talk and fairy tales.

The inmates truly have taken over the asylum.

Because as much as I would like it to be, this isn't a dream I will wake up from.