Thursday, September 18, 2008

John McCain's campaign has sunk to new low

The Republicans are so desperate to hold onto the White House that they are trying to peel away votes from traditional democratic constituencies with ugly and disgusting lies and rumors. They have lied to the Hispanic community, accusing Obama of anti-immigrant sentiments and voting against coprehensive immigration reform, and they have been trying to get the Jewish community to turn against Obama for months.

First, emails circulated to Jewish voters accusing Obama of being a Muslim. Now push polls are being done in many swing states with considerable Jewish populations, claiming Obama is in league with Hamas. And a third group is paying millions of dollars for ads in newspapers comparing Barack Obama's views to those of Pat Buchanan, someone Jewish voters despise for his views on Israel.

This deliberate distortion of Obama's identity, religion, ethics and his rboting record seems racist to me. The people who put out ads like this, and disseminate false information about a good and decent man, should rot in hell, in my very humble opinion.

From an op-ed by a Chicago rabbi:

September 18, 2008

In the Jewish religion, there are few interpersonal transgressions that are condemned more than "lashon ha-ra" and "rechilut," literally evil speech and malicious gossip. Nevertheless, within the Jewish community a vicious smear campaign is being waged against Sen. Barack Obama through unsubstantiated or anonymous e-mails.

Frankly, as a rabbi, I am ashamed that these lies are being generated and spread
by some within our own Jewish community concerning Obama. Regardless of which
candidate one may support, there is no place in this campaign for these kinds of
lies. It is a sin to repeat or forward electronically via e-mail material that
has an evil intent or that cannot be verified.
As Jews, we know too well what it means to be the victims of malicious lies. Over the centuries, terrible and false accusations have been repeated about us and our religion. We have suffered grievously from the repetition of distortions, and venomous accusations.

Hitler knowingly and falsely blamed the Jews for all the misfortunes of Germany. Jews dishonor both our own ethical values and our tragic history when they engage in the sin of lashon ha-ra against this remarkable man who has consistently related to our people only with the greatest of respect and understanding.

Rabbi Michael P. Sternfield is head of Chicago Sinai Congregation on the Near North Side.