I'm a POW.
I'm a maverick.
The press is my base. I love the press.
The surge worked.
I was for the war and the surge.
I love Bush.
Voted with him 90% of the time.
Obama was against the war and the surge.
Bush and I were right, Obama was wrong.
I'm a warrior.
Drill here, drill now.
He's inexperienced.
He's a fancy talker.
That's not change you can believe in.
I'll change Washington, even though I haven't in 26 years.
He's a celebrity.
He's an elitist.
He's not like you; he's black.
Obama's playing the race card.
Drill, baby, drill.
Country first.
We need a health care plan that deregulates insurance companies.
I've always been a deregulator.
Free market! Free market!
I have lots of houses now, but once upon a time I had no house, so shut up.
Bush who?
Heeeeere's Sarah!
She can see Russia from her house.
She's a pit bull with lipstick.
She's a maverick.
Isn't she pretty!
Look at all the crowds we're getting.
Sarah's going back to Alaska.
What happened to the crowds?
Did you forget I was a POW?
McCain first!
Sarah won't meet the press. The press is sexist.
The fundamentals of the economy are strong.
I'm a deregulator.
It's time to regulate.
I've always been a regulator - in my heart.
I'll fire the SEC chairman. He didn't regulate enough.
I'll fire the FEC chairman. Did I say FEC? I meant SEC.
I'll clean up Washington.
I'll clean up Wall Street.
This mess is all Obama's fault - blame him and that other black guy from Fannie Mae.
Don't blame me.
I'm a POW.
I can't be blamed for anything.
Hey, look at Sarah.
I hate the press.