It's really amusing to me - considering how hard it has been until now for Bill Clinton to fully support Obama - that the 2008 candidate Barack Obama is almost identical to the 1992 candidate Bill Clinton.
They are close to the same age - mid forties - both moderate to liberal, both Washington outsiders, both lawyers, both college instructors, both smeared as radicals (remember how the Republicans tried to say Clinton visited Russia and opposed the Vietnam War, therefore he was a traitor?) and both with accomplished wives who are also attorneys.
Remember how the media and the Republicans went after Hillary? Remember how they threw the kitchen sink at Bill? Just as McCain is saying Obama would rather lose a war than lose an election because he wants to end the Iraq War and bring the troops home, Clinton was accused of "giving aid and comfort to the enemy" because as a student he opposed the Vietnam War.
I would think Bill would remember what he went through and not contribute to similar attacks on the current nominee of his own party. Obama, after all, is really an updated version of Clinton - without the Bimbo eruptions and the history of infidelity. Perhaps that's the problem. This isn't so much about Barack defeating Hillary in the primary as it is about Barack replacing Bill as top dog in the party and Barack being a newer, better, and yes - blacker - version of the "first black president."
Hopefully, this is all being overblown in the media and Bill is really on board and will give a killer speech on Wednesday. In that case all the media hype will simply get more people to tune in and see a full throated condemnation of John McCain and the Republicans. I'm still hoping that's what will happen. But if it doesn't, if Bill doesn't do what he would have expected all his primary rivals of 1992 to do, if he is only lukewarm, then we will know that his narcissism is pathological and he needs serious psychological help.