Cable is really trying to ramp up its coverage of the Democratic convention, having panels sit around with fake poll numbers and insist Barack is in trouble because he didn't pick Hillary as his veep. Everyone is speculating that Bill still has his nose out of joint because Obama defeated his wife (the one he cheated on) - and that he is liable to make a big stinko at the convention.
Barack Obama, who defeated the holy trinity (Hill-Bill and Chelsea) who campaigned non-stop against him, is about to be the first African American ever nominated for president in this nearly 300 year old country, and all the media can talk about is Hillary and Bill. You'd think this historic event would generate enough interest without having to create fake conflict.
The media seem determined to make this convention all about Hillary and Bill as if they are the king and queen of America. They are not; they are ambitious and ruthless politicians who spent eight years in the White House and are furious that they don't get eight more. They are narcissists, pure and simple, and if they ever want to see Hillary make it back to that big white house they better tame their egos and make sure Barack is elected this fall.
If they are responsible for his defeat, by only half-heartedly supporting him, they are both beneath contempt. They lost. They got defeated. They play in the big leagues and they know the rules. It is time they got over themselves and acted like grown-ups. And it is time the media stopped pushing the new Republican strategy of praising Hillary and saying she should have been the veep, in order to divide the Democrats. What's amusing about the Republicans saying Biden was the wrong pick because he doesn't represent change, is that had Hillary been picked the Republicans would have shouted the same thing. When is the media going to finally reject their talking points as nothing more than propaganda? Maybe when the myth of the liberal media really becomes a reality.
If Hillary and Bill think they can give a wink and a nod to Hillary's PUMAs, giving them permission to vote against Barack and cause his defeat, they should remember that two sides can play that game. There will be hell to pay with Barack's supporters and 2012 won't look any better for Hillary than 2008.
It's time Democrats remembered they are Democrats and voted for their rightfully elected candidate. It's time they realized how high the stakes are and how big a disaster electing John McCain would be.
One thing seems pretty clear to me now with this never ending Clinton melodrama. There's a good reason Barack didn't choose Hillary as his running mate. With all the trouble she and her husband and her supporters have caused leading up to the convention, she would have caused even more trouble in the four years she served as vice president. When his supporters call him "no drama Obama" they mean it. The melodrama surrounding the Clintons is what doomed her chances to be his running mate. And that is no one's fault but theirs.