Just read a comment over at "The Field" that made me laugh and feel despair all at the same time.
According to the comment, McCain believes "life begins at conception and ends when you're eligible for the draft."
Of course, we could do many variations of McCain's view on the beginning and end of life, like:
Life begins at conception but ends when your mother's welfare payments run out, or
Life begins at conception but ends when I send you to Iraq, or the next neocon war, or
Life begins at conception but ends when you get sick and have no health insurance (too bad!), or
Life begins at conception but ends when I decide to start World War III, or
Life begins at conception but ends when carbon emissions (which I will increase by drilling and finding more oil to continue our love affair with the internal combustion engine) finally bake the planet and you all die.
We should have a contest for the best slogan.