What did John McCain say when asked what he thought about the campaign going so negative: "I think we could have avoided at least some of this if we had agreed to do the town hall meetings."
Good grief! Is he serious?
First of all, both sides in the campaign haven't gone negative, at least not in the sense that they are both attacking each other's character. Only McCain's camp has done that. Obama has not attacked McCain's character, nor called him names, as McCain has done to Obama.
So what McCain is really doing is blaming Obama for McCain attacking Obama's character. It's Obama's fault, according to McCain, that he is now calling Obama arrogant, and a vacuous celebrity, not ready to lead, and more willing to lose a war than lose an election.
Yup, it's all Obama's fault. If he had just done what McCain wanted him to do, agree to town hall debates where McCain could have benefited from Obama's celebrity and drawn large crowds that he never could have gotten by himself, then maybe McCain wouldn't have had to be such a jerk.
Just like a child blames his mother for his own misbehavior at home, because she didn't give him the candy he demanded at the store.
Just like the husband blames his wife for his beating of her, because she didn't fix the steak he said he wanted for dinner.
Just like the high school student blames another student when he cheats on a test, because that student didn't cover up all his answers and it was too easy for the cheating student to see them.
Just like the wife blames the husband for her own infidelity because he was so busy making enough money to support the family that he didn't spend enough time at home satisfying her need for attention.
Do we really want another president who won't take responsibility for his own behavior? Is this really the guy we want in the White House?