Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hillary is a true Democrat

Hillary gave a beautiful and gracious speech.

One wonders if she was always planning it this way or if she only got there in the past few days.

If this was always the type of speech she planned to give, then the media pundits and bloviators are liars, trying to generate ratings from a manufactured controversy.

At any rate, I enjoyed her speech and think it may be the best she has ever given.

She helped the Obama campaign enormously, but she also helped rescue the reputation she was in danger of carrying around for the rest of her career: poor loser. And she set a good example for her husband.

While Hillary may have inadvertantly given McCain a lot of ammunition to use against Obama, she has now started to bring back those supporters who, out of bitterness, turned away from the Democratic Party when Hillary lost the nomination battle.