It seems the price of a gallon of gasoline is coming down because people are actually driving less and as the old law of supply and demand goes, when demand goes down, so does price. (No, John McCain, the price of gasoline is not coming down because you said you wanted to drill off the coast of all of America.)
The Republicans claim they are the only party that cares about family values (which is BS, but that's a different blog entry) and with people driving less, they must either be walking more (don't make me laugh) or staying home.
When families stay home, rather than frantically driving from here to there, consuming like crazy persons who find their entire identity in buying things, they might actually get to know each other, enjoy each other's company and strengthen their family ties. You know, like the good old days, before the invention of the automobile, before television, before the great post WW II consumer culture exploded, when families actually spent time together and parents supervised children and teenagers didn't turn to drugs.
So high gasoline prices could be a win-win. Less profits for the oil companies that are polluting our planet, more people staying home and strengthening their families, lower gas prices leading to lower food prices, and an opening for new technologies (and the creation of new jobs) that don't rely on oil and don't pollute the planet.
But if we insist on remaining dependent on oil, and drill, drill, drill off the coast as Saint John the Maverick wants us to, our families might continue to go to hell.
It may sound illogical and silly, but is it any more crazy than wing nut Republicans supporting four more years of Bush's ignorance and incompetence in the person of McCain, and spreading rumors that Obama is a Muslim Manchurian Candidate?