If there is one thing that seems predictable election after election it is that Republicans will attack and act confident, even when they are behind in the polls, and Democrats will hand-wring and express fear of losing, even when they are ahead.
Hasn't anyone ever heard the term "self-fulfilling prophecy?" It's a term from psychology that basically says if a person believes they might fail, they will begin to act in ways that ensure failure. And Democrats are masters at it.
The Republicans, who have the worst policies and values ever, who are greedy, hypocritical, lying bastards who cannot be trusted with the governance of this country, as they have proven over the past eight years, will never, ever give up. They will exude confidence and attempt to destroy the Democratic convention. Rudy and Mitt are there, crapping all over Obama's party, and laughing every minute, predicting they will destroy him in November. These are the two biggest egos McCain beat in the primaries and they are going to battle for him, because they want their party to win.
In the meantime, Hillary says "support Obama" and many of her people are pouting because princess pantsuit didn't win and saying they will vote for McCain, and everyone else is biting their nails and listening to the stupid windbags on television tear apart Hillary's speech and running around like Henny Penney waiting for disaster.
Republican evangelicals may say they are praying for the arrival of the end times, but Democrats are sure the end times are coming for their candidate. It is sick and stupid and self-defeating.
Republicans fight until the end, and in the case of the election of 2000, even after the end. And that kind of fighting brings them victory. Sure, they sometimes lose, but they don't mourn until they absolutely have to, while the Democrats are already preparing for the wake.
Democrats have to stop this now.
I don't know if Hillary really meant what she said last night or not, and I no longer care. I don't care what Bill does or does not say tonight. I think most ordinary viewers thought Hillary did a fine job and aren't agonizing over what she didn't say. Who cares if she is trying to run for president in 2012? It doesn't matter. It isn't about her unless we let it be about her. And she won't be able to run in 2012 if we fight hard enough for an Obama victory now. And it certainly isn't about Bill. He's old news and Obama knows it. Now if only the rest of us believed it.
Obama can win this thing if Democrats start acting like Republicans - no we don't have to use smear and fear, but we have to have confidence and hold onto the belief that we can and we will put Barack Obama in the White House.
Yes, we can, but only if we believe we can and only if we stop the hand wringing and paying attention to the main stream media nutjobs who want to cause trouble and who are doing the bidding of their corporate masters who support McCain.
Courage, optimism, hope, belief, determination, aggressiveness, and a fighting spirit are the tools we need. Now let's go out and use them.