Friday, August 15, 2008

Insane McCain

I've been trying to think of a good name for McCain other than just plain McCain (hey, that's a good one). Some people, noting his similarity to Bush on all the issues, call him McBush, others McSame.

I have, with others, called him Grandpa McCain, but that's an insult to grandfathers.

I have occasionally called McCain and his wife Mr. and Mrs. McCreepy, because she is as creepy as he is, but with this latest statement, it is clear.

John McCain is simply nuts.

To call the Russia-Georgia conflict the most important international crisis since the end of the Cold War is absurd. Has he really forgotten that he once said the war on Islamic terrorists was the most important and defining issue of our time, something that a few might even consider an international crisis? Has he forgotten 9/11, and the Iraq War, which was supposed to be a response to a vicious and horrible dictator who had weapons of mass destruction he wanted to use against us? Has he forgotten Rwanda and the invasion of Kuwait by Iraq which prompted the first Gulf War? Has he forgotten Bosnia and Kosovo?

Couple this statement with all the other mistatements or downright falsehoods he has uttered over the past few months, and the right name pops out.

Let's just call him "Insane McCain."