I can't write anything brilliant about Obama's speech this late because words can't possibly sum up or add to what we have all witnessed. Maybe tomorrow I'll have something to say, but for now I am just amused that karma is apparently descending on those bastard Republicans.
Remember how that idiot psychologist turned holier than thou moralist James Dobson got one of his flunkies to get everyone to pray that God would send down rain on Mile High Stadium during Obama's speech? Well not only did God not oblige, he made sure there was not a cloud in the sky.
And just for good measure, he has apparently decided to mess with the Republican convention with a little precipitation. Seems the Grumpy Old Poops might have to change their convention plans or even delay their convention because Hurricane something or other is bearing down on the U.S. in what tragically could be a repeat of Katrina and remind everyone of how well the Republicans handled that emergency and how McCain and Bush celebrated McCain's birthday while residents of New Orleans drowned. Plus it might pre-empt coverage of their pathetic convention.
Now I sincerely hope this hurricane threat never pans out. I don't want anyone hurt or any homes destroyed just because the Republicans prayed for rain and forgot to give God the GPS coordinates. But perhaps Dobson might remember the old saying "Be careful what you wish (or pray) for. Moron!