Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Baby Sarah's field trip

Congress is deliberating over how to save the country and each individual citizen from financial ruin, trying to determine just how much they can trust the Bush administration that has already cried "wolf" on at least two other occasions - in proposing the PATRIOT Act, and in seeking authorization for the Iraq War. A Marriot hotel is blown up in Pakistan and Iraq remains occupied territory with no end in sight. People are losing their homes and cars and jobs. The residents of Galveston still have no water and power. The future seems bleak for our children and grandchildren. McCain and Obama hold press conferences and prepare for the most important debate of their - and our - lives.

And what is baby Sarah doing - she who will not be interviewed?

Baby Sarah is meeting with daddy Kissinger, and the big boys at the United Nations so that in her debate with Joe Biden, she can say she has met with foreign leaders. As if the Palin nomination itself isn't a big enough joke, as if we haven't already seen how pitifully unprepared she is to be the vice presidential nominee, let alone the vice president, as if we aren't already tired of her lies, her snit-fits when she fired people who didn't bow before her, her blocking of bipartisan investigations, her holier than thou moral crap about her blessed and wonderful family, now we have to believe that this "take your daughter to work day" is a serious step in her gaining foreign policy cred?

So while the grown-ups try to save the country, baby Sarah is having a field trip.

Please, god, let this be over soon.