Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The brainwashing of America

Bob Herbert's op-ed in the New York Times provides an excellent commentary of what happened yesterday. In short, the chickens of conservative Reagonomics have come home to roost.

While placing most of the blame on Republicans ideologues, Herbert reserves some blame for the American people.

Voters have to shoulder a great deal of the blame for the economic mess the country is in. Too many were willing, for whatever reasons, to support politicians who spat in the eye of economic common sense. Now the voodoo that permeated conservative economic policies for so many years has come back to haunt us big-time.

How is it, I have often wondered, that so many voters have been willing to support these idiots, these voodoo economists as Bush I once called them? I think the simple answer is right wing talk radio. Rush Limbaugh and his acolytes have been brainwashing simple minded citizens for decades, and it was largely these listeners who flooded Congress with calls to vote against the bailout bill. Listening to some of these people give their opinions you realize they have no idea there is any connection between Wall Street and Main Street. They're determined to punish Wall Street for its excesses, not even realizing they are punishing themselves. And Limbaugh has so demonized liberals and moderates with his cult following that he was able to convince them that this bill would convert the country into a "socialist" nation. Now, unless another bill comes forward that is acceptable to a majority in Congress, we will be a third world nation.

Thanks Mr. Limbaugh! You idiot!

Americans would do well to turn off their radios. Boycott talk show ideologues who only spread ignorance and misinformation, and learn to read a newspaper and think for yourselves.

Rush Limbaugh doesn't know what is best for this country, nor does he care. He cares only about himself. He hasn't even been able to put the needs and wants of one other person (like one of his three wives) before his own. Why would he care about your needs?

Shut the damn thing off!