Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Further craziness in the American electorate

With everything at stake in this election.....

What to do about an unpopular war that should never have been waged and that is emptying our treasury,

How to rescue the economy which is sinking further into recession,

How to bring back the middle class and jobs,

How to fix our broken health care system,

How to protect the planet from the devastating effects of global warming,

How to secure retirement income for the baby boomers, in light of the current losses in people's 401Ks and the problems with Social Security,

And so on.....

Doesn't it seem completely insane that any voter would:

Vote against Obama just because he is black...

Vote for McCain just because his vice presidential nominee is a woman...

Vote for McCain because he was a POW nearly forty years ago...

Vote against Obama because of false rumors about his religion and crazy sermons of his former pastor...

Vote for McCain-Palin because they want to overturn Roe V. Wade?