Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Just wondering

When is daddy McCain going to take the training wheels off little Sarah's bicycle, let go of her hand so she can ride off on her own? Is he afraid precious little baby will skin her knee?

When is he going to stop scolding the other kids on the playground for the normal rough and tumble play and let her stand up for herself? Is he afraid she can't defend herself?

Is he going to walk her to school every day, and stand outside the classroom watching to make sure nobody hurts precious little baby's feelings?

If a presidential candidate did this to his male running mate, everyone would be laughing their asses off and calling him a wimp, a wuss, and worse.

If women are going to compete on the political stage, they don't need daddy standing up to protect and defend them. The biggest compliment any opponent can give Palin is to treat her like an equal combatant and that is what they are doing. But daddy McCain is trying to create outrage where there is none. And he will probably succeed with his supporters because you know what? They're gullible, idiotic people who cannot think for themselves.

I'll say it again - I'm ashamed of my country.

I can only imagine what the Europeans - who are so much more educated, sophisticated, and intelligent than we are - are thinking of us.