Thursday, September 25, 2008

The cost of the debate "cancellation"

In this campaign John McCain has become a "born again feminist" with his choice of Sarah (blessed by a witchdoctor) Palin and a "born again regulator" now that his failed ideology is causing the economy to tank along with his presidential campaign. Now he is trying to be a "born again populist" suspending his campaign because he puts "country first."

The Obama campaign has been saying for months that McCain is out of touch, that his 11 houses and 13 cars and isolation from real people other than Alaskans has made him incapable of understanding how Washington and Wall Street devastates Main Street.

Well he did it again - showed how out of touch he is. Only this time he is the one threatening Main Street. He is the one threatening to cause Ole Miss to lose 5.5 million dollars and the local hotels, motels, and restaurants to lose out as well.

McCain pulls another stunt because he puts "McCain first" and as ususal a Republican will cost ordinary citizens a lot of money.

This guy makes me want to vomit almost every day.