Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Republican Party is a joke

First I just hated their ideology.

Claiming to be "Christians" - you know the people who are supposed to love their neighbor, turn the other cheek, give all they have to the poor, be kind to their enemies - they held an ideology that basically said "screw you" to anyone who couldn't help themselves. They hated taxes, even though taxes keep the essentials of society running. They loved tax cuts for the wealthiest, so they could take from the poor. They loved, actually worshipped, war and hated both real and manufactured enemies. Before they hated Muslims they hated Russians. (Of course McCain is trying to get us to hate Russians again.) Before that it was blacks and now it's anyone of color, especially if they cross over the border without a passport.

Then, along came Bush II, and I no longer thought it was the ideology. It was them. The Republicans were morons.

As Democrats talked about how obvious it was that the emperor Bush had no clothes, the Republicans kept talking about his amazing wardrobe. They called him a war hero, and a great leader, and a Christian, and a wise man. He was and is none of those things and now that the economy is in total meltdown, with the president in hiding, we can add one more thing to the list of Bush disasters: the wars in Iraq and Afghansitan, failed intelligence, Katrina, torture, executive power grabs, violation of the letter and spirit of our great Constitution, and the great depression of 2008 - you name one part of the American experience and Bush has destroyed it. And the more he destroyed, the more excuses Republicans had. They should have tossed him out on his ass in 2004, but they put the worst president in history back in the White House.

But now, the Republican Party and all who still call themselves Republicans are just a joke.

C'mon. Sarah Palin is an expert in foreign policy because Alaska is next to Russia? How can you not laugh when you hear that? Palin, according to McCain, is the nation's foremost expert on oil, when she doesn't even know what percentage of oil Alaska contributes to the entire amount that exists in the United States? The nation's foremost expert? More expert than the CEO's of oil companies? This is a joke! And if she's such an expert on these things why is she in hiding? I know why. Because she's a joke and we would die from laughter. Just watching her last week try to figure out what the Bush Doctrine was made me howl so loud I almost scared myself to death.

As for all those rank and file Republicans, hearing them chant "drill, baby, drill" in unison at the convention was hysterical. Someday, if any of them ever grow up, they'll look back at that display and be utterly humiliated that they particpated in such a Nazi like exercise. But for now, they're just a joke to the rest of us. Maybe they were all drunk?

And now McCain, whose economic guru is responsible for slipping a little addendum to a bill in 1999 that deregulated all these banks that are now failing, and who has always opposed regulation of any markets, decides he is going to march to Washington and be the great reformer? He's now a "born-again reformer," just like he is now a "born again feminist" because he put Caribou Barbie on the ticket.

McCain, whose economic guru last month said we were a nation of whiners, himself said two days ago - and sixteen times before that - that the "fundamentals of the economy are strong." Is he insane? Is he senile? Is he demented? Has he lost contact with reality? Or is he just a pathological arrogant lying conniving son of a bitch?

The Republicans are a joke and the Party is a joke, and if McCain wins in November it can mean only one thing: a majority of the American people are a joke.

And guess who will be laughing? The rest of the world. As China, India, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran and the entire European Union regroup to work without us, we will become a third world country. And we will deserve it.