Thursday, September 11, 2008

Feminism we can believe in

Do you real feminists out there sometimes think you are still stuck in the middle of a bad dream? Does it just fry you that someone who could rightly be labeled "the anti-feminist" could actually become the first woman to become vice president and even president?

Boy I know how you feel.

Everytime I wake up and see that Sarah Palin is still the big story of the day, that candidate McCain is still dragging her around with him because he can't get big crowds without her, and that loads of female (not real feminist) fans are staring at her adoringly in the big crowds she is drawing partly because they think this is such a step forward for women, I want to go back to bed and wake up again, because surely I am still having some kind of bad dream brought on by the bad fish I ate last night.

Is it really going to be a step forward for women to have books banned from libraries all over America?

Will it be a step forward to have civil servants fired because they pissed her off?

Will it help women to have a role model like Sarah in the White House, a role model for mothers - who is so proud of her pregnant unmarried teen daughter that she shows her off to the whole world?

Is it a step forward for women to lose control over their reproductive decisions because the vice president is in favor of overturning Roe V. Wade, and banning birth control while she's at it?

Is it a step forward to cut funding for programs for teen unwed moms?

Is it good for women to have someone a heart beat away from the White House who knows diddly squat about global warming and even less about foreign policy?

Is it good for women to have the poster child for the NRA as vice president? Don't we have that now, and didn't he shoot someone in the face? Is it good for women to model to our kids how to shoot moose and wolves from an airplane?

Is it going to be good for women when Sarah's running mate vetoes every minimum wage hike and every bill requiring equal pay for women?

How much will it benefit women to have the children's health care bill vetoed by another president, or have women's employers take away medical benefits because Sarah's running mate wants to tax those benefits? Even if Sarah thinks that's a bad idea (if Sarah thinks at all) we know Sarah's running mate didn't choose her for her brain.

Is it good to install the first female as vice president knowing she will be such a miserable failure that she will set back the cause of women 100 years, if the planet even survives having such an ignorant person with their hand on the nuclear button?

Is it really good for women to have the first female vice president be chosen for her looks and her religion and not her brain?

To have Sarah Palin as vice president, or god forbid as president, would be such a setback for women that it would be a new kind of Orwellian nightmare.

Wakey, wakey, my sisters!