Saturday, September 13, 2008

Someone just like me

A brilliant article from the Daily Kos

Women: "Palin is just like me!"

by noel711

Sat Sep 13, 2008 at 09:02:45 AM PDT

Dear Women of America:

I hear you. I hear you loud and clear. Your have fallen 'head over high heels' in complete adoration for republican Vice-presidential candidate Governor Sarah Palin.

How exhilarating! To finally have a candidate for the most important leadership position in the world who is 'just like me!"

Someone to whom you can totally relate! Someone who knows what it's like to run on no sleep, someone who struggles with potty training, laundry issues, financial issues, and how to keep a man satisfied!

This is so remarkable! So wonderful! Someone just like you in the White House! It's about damn time! Is it that simple?

Yes, Governor Palin is so much like so many of us.

She has the same biology as us! She has split-end issues, wonders what to put on the table for supper, and how to get those kids away from the video games!

But really, ladies... is she? Is that all that qualifies her for the highest job in the world? Because she's 'like us'? Think about what the 'job' entails... Or is that a non-issue in this regard? Is all it takes to get your attention someone 'like you'? Is that your only criteria to hire people to help you?

When you look for a babysitter to stay with the kids so you and your man can go out for the evening, do references matter? Can you relax during the evening knowing your kids are safe.. Or do you just glom onto the cutie who cracks her gum, makes fun of the quiet girls at her school, and plops the baby in the lap of your oldest child?

Is that how you judge the teachers in your kids' classrooms? Do you have concern for their education and credentials? Do they challenge your kids to think about the world, and their place in it? Do they have expectations for involvement and thinking? Or is just that the teacher has the latest hairdo, a funny personality, and wear cute sweaters?

Is that how you find a plumber to install the new water heater? Are you interested in the best person for the job, the person who is trustworthy in your home, and knows the industry...or do you want a plumber with a brunette bee-hive hairdo, and a coven of kids? That's all you need?

How about a pediatrician for the kids? YOu won't check where she went to medical school, or where she practices? As long as she wears those cool rimless eyeglasses? And works out in the morning? It doesn't matter?

How about a financial advisor? That's important these day, having sound advice to keep your house in order... Having experience there is simply a matter of saying the right things, in a midwestern twang that sound just like a country singer?

I could go on, but your lack of reasoning has me appalled. I wonder: How many of you "Palin Promoters" felt that way about Senator Clinton? And if you did, have you spent time researching the differences in Clinton's Campaign Policies with those of McCain/Palin? Have you thought about what Governor Palin really represents to the future of your children? Or are you willing to throw away years of work and legislation for women's rights for a fling with someone who is 'like you.'?

Women, I'm like you too. I share your biology, I share your concern for all of our children, I share your concern for the future of our country. But as for Palin, she's nothing like me.
I grew up in a time when girls were encouraged to be either nurses, teachers or secretaries, before they got married of course. But bold women worked diligently to show that with education, training, hard work, travel and intellectual grit, women could do anything. Strong women can compete in the world, on an equal playing field, with all the tools and training that the world requires. We did NOT want any shortcuts or favors... we wanted to do it for ourselves.
If all it takes to become president of the USA is simply a winning smile, and a 'non-blinking' stance, then why bother with all that education stuff?

If all it takes to ascend to any level of competency is to be attractive, and willing to be a bulldog... oh, excuse me.. a pit bull in lipstick, then we've had it all wrong. The feminist movement was simply another sham for women. If its all about "just like us."

Frankly, I do not want someone 'just like me' to have the most responsibilities in the world. I want someone better than me, smarter than me, stronger than me, someone with more education, with deeper, broader thinking skills, someone who doesn't panic with the unexpected occurs, someone who can talk to international leaders with grace and challenge. Someone better than me who will employ every resource, every brilliant advisor,every stone left unturned to solve our national problems. I want a leader who can speak with people as equals, not sarcastic, or bombastic. I want someone who can pronounce: "nuclear."

Maybe I'm asking too much, but I don't care if he or she is viewed by others as 'elitist.' In fact, after seven years of a doofus in the Oval Office, I think it's time for a change.

NOT like me; NOT like 'us folks.' Someone totally different.