Saturday, September 20, 2008

A letter to the troops

The "noise" of Christians and Christian preaching these days usually makes me want to run the other way. It has been a long time since I have had any respect for the loudest preachers out there who have become cheerleaders for the Iraq War, heaped praise on George W. Bush, demanded that we obey the laws of their churches and want to make America a "Christian nation."

But every once in a while something catches my eye that gets me to take notice, something written or spoken not by these false Christians who have distorted the gospels and who have banned together in megachurches to give some meaning to their otherwise pitiful lives, but by a real follower of Christ, someone who realizes just how radical the message of Jesus is.

This is from an open letter to the troops, written by a recent convert to the Christian faith. The long article is well worth reading, but here's a sample:

The Enemy is the raison d'etre of the armed forces. And so other nations - nations of people who have already suffered terribly - were selected to become The Enemy in order to justify the plundering of their resources and the subsidized economies of war - from no-bid contracts for hi-tech weapons to contractors who pay exorbitant salaries and charge outrageous prices to wash your clothes, feed you, and run facilities that insulate you from the harsh and incessant realities of the nations you now occupy. Do you really think that were it not for oil, you would even be in that
region? Do you know how many campaign contributions are funneled to politicians of both parties by "defense" contractors? Enemies make money. Enemies are good business. The business of war is good these days. The structures of evil and the evil of structures are visible to anyone who consents to see. Consenting to see constitutes an entry through the passageway of Grace.