Wednesday, September 24, 2008

A bad dream?

It's late and I'm tired and if I wake up tomorrow and this post makes no sense I may have to delete it, but for now, while completely sober, I feel I have entered an alternate universe or I'm living in a very bad dream.

McCain, the presidential candidate of the party that created an economic crisis with their trickle-down supply side deregulated free market bullshit, is now going to mount his white horse, or private jet, and ride into Washington so that he can fix it.

Of course that means he will have to cancel the presidential debate on Friday night and move it to next Thursday, which is when the vice presidential debate was going to be, and oh by the way if the economy isn't fixed by the rescheduled vp debate that may have to be cancelled too.

And veep nominee, baby Sarah, was taken out on a field trip to the United Nations so she could meet with some important people but she wasn't allowed to talk to reporters. She still hasn't held a press conference or answered any questions from reporters other than Charlie Gibson, softball Sean, and Katie Couric and she bombed all of them. Still the base loves her, and a Kenyan minister prayed over her that no witchcraft would harm her.

John McCain's campaign chairman was still raking in $15,000 a month from Freddie Mac while McCain wants to blame Obama for the entire economic meltdown.

Forty percent of the country think Sarah Palin, whom they don't really know as she is kept in seclusion, is fit to be vice president and the harder they try to cram knowledge into her head, the more crazy mixed up it comes out.

Meanwhile - two wars go on, that crazy president of Georgia is being interviewed about his country's problems, the environment continues to deteriorate, oil prices go up and Bush just gave the most coherent speech of his presidency where he tried his best to create a panic in the country.

Bush will leave office soon and we still don't know if that insane McCain might replace him.

And no one from the current administration is in jail.

I don't understand any of this.