Monday, September 22, 2008

Time for the pitchforks and torches

I can't remember when I've been this scared for my country - yes I can, the Cuban Missile Crisis.

I was terrified, as were so many Americans, that we really would get into a nuclear war with the Soviets. I was fourteen at the time, and my dad reassured me. His words were the only thing that allowed me to sleep at night.

Now, forty five years later, my dad cannot speak because of a degenerative disease, and he probably doesn't understand what is happening anyway. And even his words couldn't reassure me now.

Is the country's financial system really on the verge of collapse and is Congress going to roll over and give nearly 1 trillion dollars of taxpayer money to Henry Paulson to do as he sees fit?

Is this some kind of nightmare?

These same people who lied us into war, ignored the intelligence that warned of 9/11, allowed poor black people to drown in New Orleans, and who have fucked up nearly everything they got their stinking little hands on are now going to be given all of our money and then some? And all because they were allowed to wreak their ignorant and disastrous deregulation, trickle down bullshit on us?

I think it's time for the pitchforks and the torches. I don't think we have any other choice.